Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Devil's Triangle Rally

Devil’s Triangle

The Devil’s Triangle Motorcycle Rally was May 13, 14, & 15th at Grey Wolf Campground. Grey Wolf is a great place for a rally. Situated in a beautiful valley with a picturesque river running through it on the infamous Hwy. 116, it’s the perfect spot for bikers, campers, and fishermen alike. Though the crowd was small, there were more of bikers & vendors there than there was at last fall‘s rally. Hopefully this event will continue to grow as the word gets out. Unfortunately the bike show & rodeo were called on account of mud, but the intermittent showers didn't stop everyone from enjoying the weekend. Hanover Fist provided live music and rocked the valley with Southern Rock and Blues ’till the wee hours of the morning.

On Sunday yours truly was given the main stage for a brief bike blessing service, after which I received positive feedback from a number of the attendees. Odie (owner of Grey Wolf) even presented me with a special trophy for “Faithful Service”, proving that the CMA is both welcome and wanted at this rally.

The CMA has never had a booth at this rally. One rider asked about that and I had to tell him that I could only carry so much cargo on my bike. It would be great to have a booth where we could offer tracts, Bibles, and maybe free coffee, but I would need help to pull that off. The Devil’s Triangle Rally is held in the spring and fall each year. I invite all my CMA brother’s and sisters to come out this September (16, 17, & 18) to help with the ministry and/or just enjoy the rally. Hope to see you then. God Bless!

Bodega Bruce

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Devil’s Triangle Rally

The Devil’s Triangle Rally repeats every spring & fall. The spring rally is scheduled for May 13,14 & 15, 2011. There will be a Bike Show, Bike Rodeo, live southern rock by “Hanover Fist”, and other events. Primitive camping is free with of admission.
The Inspiration Riders will be on hand for bike blessings, and will also provide a short prayer service from the main stage on Sunday morning.
The Devil’s Triangle is a hard core rally, but the CMA is both welcome & wanted. In fact, Odie has promised to present me with a special trophy this spring for faithful attendance.
If you‘ve not been to the Devil‘s Triangle Rally, or you haven‘t been in a while, why not make plans now to come out and join the ministry/fun. Hope to see you there.
For rally information go to

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

In the Wind - by Padre

Click stop on the playlist at the bottom of the page
before starting the video.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Devil's Triangle Rally

The Devil's Triangle Rally (May 1-3) was a lot of fun despite the rain. The bike rodeo was canceled, but their were plenty of "mud sports" on Sunday as many cars, RVs and campers had to be pushed and pulled out of the mud by 4x4 pickups, ATVs, and Odie's farm tractor. Someone said, “This rally is so much fun folks have to dragged out.” Most folks got out, but a few were trapped by rising water that flooded the bridge. I stayed to do bike blessings, pray with folks, and help push vehicles out of the mud, so I was one of those who got trapped. Odie was kind enough to lock my Bonnie up in his shed, and I walked out by following the creek downstream to a railroad trestle where I could cross over to the road. My wife picked me up in the Ford.  I'll go back for my bike when the waters subside. 

The rain didn’t dampen the crowd’s spirit. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. The band [Stone Sunshine] was great! There were some nice motorcycles in the bike show, and the crowd (as always) was friendly and well behaved. I'm looking forward to the next Devil's Triangle Rally in October. Why not make plans to join in on the fun?  

For news of upcoming events logon to 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Devil's Triangle Motorcycle Rally

On Sunday, May 3, the CMA will be at Grey Wolf to bless your bike. While supplies last we’ll have bike blessing stickers for your bike [or helmet], tracts explaining why we bless bikes, and Hope for the Highways New Testaments; [all free]. 

If you’re not planning on staying through Sunday we will be happy to bless your bike on Saturday [when we’re not out riding]. 

When you see the CMA back patch please remember, we’re not there to be a wet blanket. We’re there to enjoy the rally, and we’re there if you need us. 

Bodega Bruce 
Inspiration Riders
 of the Christian Motorcyclist Association