Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Devil’s Triangle Rally

The Devil’s Triangle Rally repeats every spring & fall. The spring rally is scheduled for May 13,14 & 15, 2011. There will be a Bike Show, Bike Rodeo, live southern rock by “Hanover Fist”, and other events. Primitive camping is free with of admission.
The Inspiration Riders will be on hand for bike blessings, and will also provide a short prayer service from the main stage on Sunday morning.
The Devil’s Triangle is a hard core rally, but the CMA is both welcome & wanted. In fact, Odie has promised to present me with a special trophy this spring for faithful attendance.
If you‘ve not been to the Devil‘s Triangle Rally, or you haven‘t been in a while, why not make plans now to come out and join the ministry/fun. Hope to see you there.
For rally information go to