Thursday, May 21, 2009

Devil's Triangle Rally

The Devil's Triangle Rally (May 1-3) was a lot of fun despite the rain. The bike rodeo was canceled, but their were plenty of "mud sports" on Sunday as many cars, RVs and campers had to be pushed and pulled out of the mud by 4x4 pickups, ATVs, and Odie's farm tractor. Someone said, “This rally is so much fun folks have to dragged out.” Most folks got out, but a few were trapped by rising water that flooded the bridge. I stayed to do bike blessings, pray with folks, and help push vehicles out of the mud, so I was one of those who got trapped. Odie was kind enough to lock my Bonnie up in his shed, and I walked out by following the creek downstream to a railroad trestle where I could cross over to the road. My wife picked me up in the Ford.  I'll go back for my bike when the waters subside. 

The rain didn’t dampen the crowd’s spirit. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. The band [Stone Sunshine] was great! There were some nice motorcycles in the bike show, and the crowd (as always) was friendly and well behaved. I'm looking forward to the next Devil's Triangle Rally in October. Why not make plans to join in on the fun?  

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